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162 Replies

 @9GLRLZCDemocrat  from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Top Agreement

It depends on how the carrier got pregnant. if they were raped then it should be allowed for them to get an abortion but for everybody no matter what, after 3 months it should be illegal.

 @9GLZCG4Constitution from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Babies have the right to be protected. In rape and incest scenarios, the perpetrator should be punished not the child.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Unborn babies do not have the right to be protected, as they do not have the right to use their mother's bodies without her consent in the first place. If she does not want them using her body, then she has every right to stop them from doing so.

 @9GMXLR7Women’s Equality from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

I agree it depends on the matter of the situation with how the carrier got pregnant in the first place with the outcome being the way it is it should be allowed.

 @9GLYPQL from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

I understand that rape, incest, etc. is horrible for the mother. I, also, believe that the "clump of cells" that are produced from these actions is a person. I believe that every time an abortion is performed, then someone's life is ended. It is taking away the choice from the baby, similar to how the choice is taken away from the mothers in rape.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

The baby never had a choice to begin with, because no person has the right to use another person's body without their consent. If the mother doesn't want someone using her body, then she has every right to stop them from continuing to do so, whether they are using her for a rape or a pregnancy or otherwise.

 @9GMD778 from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

Abortion should only be provided for women who have been victims of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child has occured.

 @9G3RDN9  from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

During the first 3 months the child does not have an actual heartbeat only the cardiovascular muscle starting to move without a heart formed.

 @9G3VYLN from Iowa disagreed…8mos8MO

The so said clump of cells is still a life form. People you mourn a miscarriage, that is a life form. If you decide to have sex, face your consequences and have the baby. You do not have the right to kill a human being. That is murder, which then ends people up in prison.

 @9G5PWHX from Utah disagreed…8mos8MO

The life has already been created. you are ending the life of your own child. it doesn't matter how old they are or how far along they are, one life begins taking it away is awful. Don't have sex if you cant deal with the consequences.

 @9G3YZD6 from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

It doesn't matter. It's not okay to kill the child because of that. You are interrupting the child growing into a full grown human being. Without your disturbance, they will do just that.

 @9G3VXD7 from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe a child is a child since day one. That child could have a bright future and for you to kill it would rob the kid of its future.

 @9FZXPKMIndependent from California agreed…8mos8MO

The first three months the fetus is incapable of feeling pain because it doesn't have a functional spinal cord or significant brain development. Plus three months should give most mothers plenty of time to soul search and find out whether they want to keep it or not. After three months and the brain develops and the fetus can start feeling pain and suffering, I think it should only be terminated in cases of extreme health to the mother, otherwise it's unnecessary suffering and cruelty to the would-be child.

 @9FW8CP8 from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

To me, it all comes down to the amount of overall suffering. The first three months the fetus is incapable of feeling pain because it doesn't have a functional spinal cord or significant brain development. Plus three months should give most mothers plenty of time to soul search and find out whether they want to keep it or not. After three months and the brain develops and the fetus can start feeling pain and suffering, I think it should only be terminated in cases of extreme health to the mother, otherwise it's unnecessary suffering and cruelty to the would-be child.

 @9FPN3JY from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

If you don't want to have a kid don't have sex. If it is rape and or you can't financially support the child you can put the kid up for adoption or have someone look after them in your immediate family. If the child is a threat to the mothers life, only then will I condemn abortion.

 @9GR7BWC from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

The common argument for pro-choice is murder, but before the first 3 months, it's just a cluster of cells, not a human, therefor can't be considered murder. But abortions in months 4-9 should be banned

 @9GHMY6JIndependent from Alabama agreed…7mos7MO

i believe that abortion should be legal for minors, victims of rape, and the first 3 months, but other than that it should be illegal

 @9G4WYRG from Tennessee agreed…8mos8MO

towards the end of the three months, the fetus is just now developing organs and limbs, after three months, it forms into a baby with more developed features, organs, and limbs at that point it is less acceptable to terminate the child because it is too far into development to be considered just a fetus.

 @9FP8SD3  from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

Look at all the neglect and abuse of children from horrible parents. They are better off in heaven from the get go.

 @9FQ4R2D from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

Every life deserves a chance to live. It is not your right to decide for the individual. If you do not want to keep your baby then give the baby to someone who wants the baby and give it a good life.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

It is quite literally your right to decide if that individual is using your body to live. There is no right that allows you, me, a fetus, or anyone else, the right to use another person's body without their constant consent. If you don't want them using your body, then you have every right to stop/prevent them, for any or no reason.

 @9G4WVLQ from Tennessee agreed…8mos8MO

It should be pro-choice because a woman might not have the right state of mind, capability, or resources to support a child at that time. And if the pregnancy is a product of rape or incest, a woman should not be forced to carry the child if they do not want to. The factors I listed above could also apply in that situation. However, if a baby is brought to full term, with a fully functioning body, they should not be able to abort it.

 @9GTLCZD from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

The embryo isn’t self-aware and doesn’t start more of the brain development until after 3 months then a person should be able to choose if they want a baby during that time. This also gives possible parents time to figure out if they feel they can even become parents.

 @9GK54F8 from Connecticut agreed…7mos7MO

Abortion beyond three months seems cruel and would be more likely to inflict long term trauma on families. This shouldn't apply in cases of medically necessary abortions.

 @9GT4X82 from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

Once the baby hits three months then it is a functional human and has characteristics. until then the baby isn't much of anything yet.

 @9H27B6V from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

Most women who get abortions are those who are to young, are not ready for a child, Or do not want one. As a women who does not want to have a child there are lots of signs and concerns I look for to make sure I am on track without a child. If you are a responsible young adult and keeping track of your menstral cycles, using protection, and all fails. It should be easy for these responsible women to find a pregnancy very early and should have the choice to abolish the pregnancy before it goes to far.

 @9GCTX9Q from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

after the first three months abortions would be more towards murder then a medical procedure as the fetus is developing from a group of cells

 @9LQLYZS from Missouri agreed…2mos2MO

While I do agree it should be your choice to have an abortion or not. Studies show that the baby has fully developed nerves that can sense pain before the 3 month mark. So essentially you are killing a living being.

 @9LQ84W3 from Nevada agreed…2mos2MO

Everyone should have the right to choose what to do with their own body. Most women know that they're pregnant around 6-8 weeks, and have time to decide what to do. I think so long as its not being used as a form of birth control it should be okay. They only acceptable reason to have a later term abortion is if the mothers life is put in jeopardy or the baby is not "viable" outside of the womb.

 @9LNQSM8Independent from Wyoming agreed…2mos2MO

After 3 months the baby is now developing it's extremities and is no longer a cell. It is inappropriate to end the baby's life as it's arms are poking out, as a cell or egg, there's no memory

 @9LLXVXJ from Connecticut agreed…2mos2MO

After the three months of pregnancy, a baby is already growing and is being developed and they shouldn't be put through that distress

 @9LFZ4HT from North Carolina agreed…2mos2MO

I think it is okay to terminate a pregnancy before the fetus has grown to something like a baby but after the unborn child has developed into a baby at 3 months it should not be gotten rid of.

 @9KRXY2Y from Florida agreed…3mos3MO

In the first 3 Months, it still isn't considered a life yet and the parents or mother has had enough time to decide to either abort it or raise it.

 @9JKQYHK from Texas agreed…4mos4MO

I'd understand getting an abortion as soon as you figure it out, but after 3 months the child is already formed, unless the carrier is a victim of some sorts.

 @9HCKBVB from Arizona agreed…6mos6MO

It is a persons choice to have intercourse, so they should have to deal with the consequences of their actions

 @9H5FSH3Republican from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

I don't care what anybody does with their body. I do think however, if you were grown enough to sit there and have a baby, then you're grown enough to take care of one. What you do with your life is not my concern. I'm not really pro-anything, your business is yours and minds are minds.

 @9LSLM4B from North Carolina agreed…1mo1MO

I agree that teens theses days make stupid mistakes and wind up pregnant but I don't believe in them having to suffer for nine months and ruin their life because they made one mistake however if people are not responsible and wait till the baby has a heart beat then you have made another mistake and now by doing that you would be committing a murder.

 @9LR88LMProgressive from Indiana agreed…1mo1MO

After the first 3 months is when the baby starts to fully develop. At 24 weeks it is possible for the baby to survuve outside of the womb.

 @9NFJZ37  from California agreed…4 days4D

After 3 months the baby is more formed and you had plenty of time to get an abortion. Just give the baby away then if you don't want it later.


If people are a victim of rape or incest, this gives them time to realize they are pregnant and time to get an abortion.

 @9GSYM8G from Connecticut agreed…7mos7MO

As a woman, you should be able to pick what you do with your body. After carrying your baby for 3 months-- you should NOT be able to have an abortion, because the baby has developed already, and it's murder.

 @9GSS4VRfrom Guam agreed…7mos7MO

A human is considered dead once their heart stops beating. So for a person to be categorized as "alive" they must have a working heart. If you will bring religion into this life does not start at conception, if it did that means that your grandma in the church who is currently doing chemo is killing those cells "which are live" killing herself in the process which can mildly lead toward euthenasia.

 @9GPK45D from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

I don't know all that much about pregnancy since I am not a health care professional but from what I've heard after the first three months the fetus starts moving and breathing and kicking and developing human traits. This is the stage where the fetus becomes a baby and in my eyes gains sentience instead of just being a lifeless body.

 @9GGS9H5 from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

I believe that after 3 months it is inhuman because it is actually a living breathing person at that point in time.

 @9GFYHCR from Indiana agreed…8mos8MO

it really shouldnt be banned at all but itll be harder on the mother to do that after the first three months cause it puts them at high risk

 @9GDYSMB from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

I don't care what anybody does with their body. I do think however, if you were grown enough to sit there and have a baby, then you're grown enough to take care of one. What you do with your life is not my concern. I'm not really pro-anything, your business is yours and minds are minds.

 @9G9GBZF from Arizona agreed…8mos8MO

three to four weeks after conception, the brain develops or starts to anyway. at that point, its no longer just a mindless fetus, and the earliest evidence of a fetus responding to sound is at 16 weeks. after 3-4 weeks, it has a brain, The mother's placenta helps the baby "breathe" while it is growing in the womb., and at 16 weeks it can hear, that's a living breathing thing. I think the cut-off should be 8 weeks max. and even if there is possible complications, scientists have found a way to take out the baby prematurely and put them in a placenta-like space and have the baby continue to grow.

 @9G7ZH5B from Georgia agreed…8mos8MO

For a little while after conception the "baby" is not a baby, its a clump of cells and it is a woman's right to be able to choose if she should have to take care of this child for the rest of her life or not, however after a certain period of time it will be too late and she should no longer have the option as the fetus can be considered a human or alive.

 @98J8PC9Independent from Missouri commented…1yr1Y

Women in my opinion have a duty to realize within 3 months whether they want to continue a pregnancy or not. Beyond the first trimester I see this as being way too prolonged. Pro-choice, but not without limits. The best way to see through this issue.

 @97HSYXV  from Florida commented…2yrs2Y

To me, it all comes down to the amount of overall suffering. The first three months the fetus is incapable of feeling pain because it doesn't have a functional spinal cord or significant brain development. Plus three months should give most mothers plenty of time to soul search and find out whether they want to keep it or not. After three months and the brain develops and the fetus can start feeling pain and suffering, I think it should only be terminated in cases of extreme health to the mother, otherwise it's unnecessary suffering and cruelty to the would-be child.


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