Try the political quiz

6 Replies


New sea route for Gaza aid on track, USAID says; treating starving children priority…

One of the U.S. Agency for International Development's humanitarian officials in Gaza told The Associated Press that on-the-ground preparations for a new U.S.-led sea route were on track ... for relief workers, the USAID official said.


A new sea route for Gaza aid is on track, USAID says. Treating starving children is a priority…

The U.S. expects to have arrangements in Gaza ready for humanitarian workers to start delivering aid this month via a new U.S.-backed sea route


If you had the power, would you prioritize aid to children over adults in crisis situations, and why?

 @9M622QGfrom Maine commented…4wks4W

Yes. Children are a particularly vulnerable group, the future and also have had no say in whatever has lead to the adverse situation. Thus, they should be prioritized, as the adults could have failed to prevent this outcome.


Do you believe that establishing a new sea route for aid directly to Gaza challenges the sovereignty of a nation, and is it justifiable in the pursuit of saving lives?


How would you feel if delivering food directly to starving children in a conflict zone meant bypassing traditional aid channels that might be corrupt or inefficient?