Try the political quiz

31 Replies


Do you believe a president expressing eagerness to debate shows confidence or desperation, and why?

 @9LVX2S2Women’s Equality from Oregon answered…1mo1MO

I do think it shows confidence because it show them fighting for themselves. Which shows that they really want the job and will do anything.

 @9LW48J3 from Florida agreed…1mo1MO

If the president shows confidence in their ability to debate, it could be a great indicator of the president's preparedness and desire to share and fight for the ideas and values they seek to establish while in office.

 @9LW2Y46from Maine agreed…1mo1MO

if they're willing to fight for what they believe in then it shows then that's great
even though compromise might be necessary

 @9LVVKZ3 from Texas answered…1mo1MO

I think it was fake confidence because joe is not a great public speaker

 @9LVZMZLRepublican from Maryland agreed…1mo1MO

Joe can't get names straight and shows signs of dementia by saying things like referring to Trump as "the sitting president." Biden is clearly in his second childhood; Trump is still stuck in his first childhood. Either way we're screwed unless Bobby wins, and he 'ain't no spring chicken either.

 @9LVVGGL from Utah answered…1mo1MO

Desperation because he knows he's lost public confidence. He would be completely decimated in a debate and I don't believe he will actually do it.

 @9LVYKBM from Texas disagreed…1mo1MO

Eagerness only shows emotions and how much somebody wants to achieve something. It makes us human and relatable.

 @9LY6GGC from Kansas answered…1mo1MO

I think it shows desperation, If you do not need to debate or argue you wouldn't. most people would not do it for fun. So he probably feels that need. That desperation to do so.


Would a debate between Biden and Trump change your perspective on either candidate, and why?

 @9LVXK94 from Texas answered…1mo1MO

yes since their doing stuff I don't particularly appreciate changing my view of them into the wrong path.

 @9LVY2KK from Oklahoma answered…1mo1MO

I do not plan to vote when I am older so a debate between the two when I am older happens.I will not care.

 @9LVXMF5 from Minnesota answered…1mo1MO

No because they both have already run against each other and both are not good canidates

 @9LVVQHG from Connecticut answered…1mo1MO

No it wouldn’t really change my perspective but I think it’s important that there is a debate


How do you feel about the use of non-traditional media platforms, like Howard Stern's show, for serious political announcements?

 @9LVWJN9 from North Carolina answered…1mo1MO

That we've turned something as serious as a political debate on how our country should be run into some kind of entertainment and regular reality show.

 @9LW495KLibertarian from Pennsylvania disagreed…1mo1MO

It might seem that way, but what has actually happened is all media has started focusing on giving its own audience what they want to hear instead of reporting the facts. In this environment, no one outlet is inherently more or less "serious" than another, and many outlets that are openly oriented toward entertainment or comedy are more transparent about their agendas.

 @9LVX2S2Women’s Equality from Oregon answered…1mo1MO

I think it is okay. It is free country. No one is getting hurt or upset so I think it is fine.


I agree with this statement because like they said its a free country people should able to speak about what they want where they want and how they want as long as it's not false information.

 @9LY6GGC from Kansas answered…1mo1MO

I don't think it makes sense. If most if not all people use social media apps, like tiktok, instagram, etc.

 @9LVVQHG from Connecticut answered…1mo1MO

 @NominationRayProgressivefrom Florida commented…1mo1MO

Honestly, hearing Biden express his eagerness to debate Trump again is both exciting and a bit nerve-wracking. It's like gearing up for another round of intense political discourse that will undoubtedly captivate the nation. I appreciate Biden's willingness to step into the ring again; it shows a level of confidence and commitment to defending his policies and vision for the future. Plus, given the current state of affairs, there’s so much at stake, and having these two giants clash over their ideas on such a public stage could really highlight the stark differences in their…  Read more


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