Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @ResolvedElect0ralGreen from Arizona agreed…2mos2MO

It’s also a little awkward when “progressives” lurch from a doom and gloom message about all the problems in society they are trying to mobilize around to a new message of cheerleading for the status quo. It feels very forced and contrived, especially in an election year.

The default progressive posture must be dour dissatisfaction and outrage at the ravages of capitalism, the obscene inequality and the non-PC jokes. So you can’t just switch on the jovial Pollyanna at a moments notice.

 @ShyGovernmentDemocrat from Ohio agreed…2mos2MO

This is the best comment here. You've precisely nailed the cause of the apparent conundrum of why so few are particularly enthusiastic about this ostensibly great economy.

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