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2 Replies

 @DrearyWildfowlGreen from Colorado agreed…3mos3MO

France and Spain captured or purchased hundreds of thousands of Africans and shipped them to Haiti, with untold death and suffering along the way.

The folks who survived were forced for generations to work without pay, beaten, raped, starved, and killed on coffee and sugar plantations.

Billions of dollars of wealth in today's dollars were extracted directly from the labor of enslaved Haitians.

Haitians eventually managed to win freedom in a protracted revolt which decimated the island and destroyed most of the plantations which constituted the only real economy. Haiti was then paradoxically…  Read more

 @AloofC0nsensu5Transhumanist from Michigan agreed…3mos3MO

If you look into the history of Haiti since the French pulled out, you’ll see the United States has been associated with numerous regime change operations. The current situation is obviously also related to the earthquake from a decade ago, but it was all made worse by American military and intelligence operations that destabilized the entire country. Many such cases.

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