Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9HQYY8L from Mississippi answered…5mos5MO

It isn't about whether they can, it's just a fact that large-scale anarchist organizations like the CNT-FAI existed and worked.

 @9HQ3YQ7from Maine answered…5mos5MO

No, Anarchism, as a political philosophy, advocates for the abolition of the state, viewing it as unnecessary and harmful. This perspective raises several concerns: 1) Potential for chaos and lack of order, as the absence of a centralized authority can lead to lawlessness; 2) Difficulties in managing large, complex societies without a structured government; 3) Challenges in ensuring equitable resource distribution and protection of rights without a governing body; 4) Risk of power vacuums, leading to the rise of unregulated, potentially oppressive power structures.