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52 Replies

 @9GJ2F8CDemocrat from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

A woman who is alive and living should have the right to choose what happens to her body and this should come before an unborn fetus. As well as most abortions happen early on in pregnancy before the fetus would be able to feel anything. Also a woman's body and right to choose.

 @9GGHH6H from Maryland commented…7mos7MO

A woman has a right to bodily autonomy, but the child has an even more important right to life

 @9GH2GXX from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

When a person becomes pregnant from rape, unwanted pregnancy, or just does not have the money or time to care for a baby in the way it should be, if the child has been conceived the mother should still have the choice to have the baby or not.

 @9GGHH6H from Maryland commented…7mos7MO

But by "not having the baby" you mean "murdering her own child". That is the entire Pro-life argument

 @9GJZRDY from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

A woman is usually only made aware that she is pregnant after several weeks. At this point, a fetus is still a clump of cells that certainly has no thoughts or feelings. Even if the fetus were considered a living human at this point, the government should not force women to go through with a pregnancy; if a person was going to die if you didn't donate your kidney to them, you should not be forced to do so. Therefore, a woman should be able to terminate a pregnancy in the first trimester.

 @9GGRCLG from West Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

The status of a fetus determines the level of personhood. When birthed and close to full term, a baby is a person, but other than that, the baby is a clump of cells that cannot feel or do anything.

 @9GGHH6H from Maryland commented…7mos7MO

What do you mean by "status" though? The only substantial change that happens between conception and birth is the beginning of a heartbeat, and I would assume you don't support heartbeat laws.

 @9GHDQW9 from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

there is a biological difference between a newborn and a babe fetus who is undeveloped, in out Amontay and physiology class we are taught that women are not prepared to have a baby even though they planned it therefore the body fights the fetus the first 3 months of its development making the mother of the child nauseous. we were also taught that a fetus is considered a cancer or Tumer in our body and that why female body's react in a way that their diet is unbalanced and so on. so, for there to be a choice of not having an abortion because the baby was conceived and has no signs of hear…  Read more


i think people should be able to have an abortion if they were raped and don't want it. also if they are not mentally and financially ready to have a kid. another is if the person doesn't want a kid they should have the right to abort it because it not good to bring a child to the would if it going going to be loved.

 @9GGQVT9 from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

they don't feel harm, imagine a child was raped and has a baby, does this mean this child need to live with the child of her rapist and having to bear a child and raise it at her age with that trauma is hard , and harder with that baby that should have been aborted.

 @9GGQYBQ from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe personhood should be determined by brain activity. Considering we do not declare someone dead when their heart stops, but rather when the brain activity seizes, this is when the embryo should be protected. If we are allowed to "pull the plug" on an individual because of their level of brain activity, this should be the same for an embryo. Twins, who have the same genetics, are not considered the same person or clones because of their consciousness, which is what I believe determines personhood.

 @9GGHH6H from Maryland commented…7mos7MO

When someone is unconscious and does not have brain activity they don't simply stop being people, since we know that they will eventually wake up. For that reason a fetus, even without brain activity, should still be treated as a person, since, unless something actively goes wrong, they will "wake up" like an unconscious person

 @9GL2D5V from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

The fetus doesnt have a consious until they are about 3 years old. Parents shoulf know what they get into before having a kid. If it was an accident its fine, but if it happens repeatedly, they should get their abortion rights taken

 @9GHMFBM from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

While that is true, the mother's life and body which is more developed is more "valuable" than the fetus' because she is conscious of how this baby would effect her life. Therefore it should be her choice on what happens to her body.

 @9GHLNLY from West Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

A baby is still a baby fetus or not. If you makw the mistake to get pregnant then that's on you. if it wasnt your choice then thats different

 @9GGHH6H from Maryland commented…7mos7MO

Obviously a woman having to carry a baby who she never wanted is terrible, but it doesn't make that baby guilty of anything. They still have a right to life just like anyone else.

 @9GN8LSFWomen’s Equality from West Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

My counter-argument to this is the fact that there is no point at which a person becomes human that determines personhood. There are no conditions of personhood, or a "critical age" or moment when a fetus becomes human, just like there's no conditions of personhood or age at which we stop being human. Humanity is a continuous process, and humanity isn't a binary, meaning we are either human or not human at any point in our lives. It's the same for the fetus, who's continuously becoming more and more human as they develop, and are continuously becoming less and less fetus.


The baby isn't out into the world when they're about to be born, abortion especially by conception isn't inhumane because they aren't a moving functioning person yet.

 @9GK3JHH from Tennessee disagreed…7mos7MO

The moment of conception is the fertilization of an egg cell, by sperm cells. This moment is simply a collection of cells, as is much of the progression through the next several weeks, and some may consider even up to the month and a half-ish point. I believe that the moment of biological difference between a fetus and a ‘child,’ so to speak, is when it is no longer an amorphous collection of cells, but an organism containing organs and potential viability. I will admit that there is not currently enough research present to the public in a digestible form for the masses to truly…  Read more

 @9GH2XKP from Oregon disagreed…8mos8MO

While it is true that there is not a substantive biological difference, it is also true that it almost never happens that a pregnant person would choose to abort a baby right before it is supposed to be born. If one were to carry a pregnancy nearly to term, it seems safe to assume that they are confident in their choice to do so. Why would anyone sacrifice nearly nine months of their life to grow a human and then suddenly change their mind about it? The majority of abortions occur far before the third trimester and the only reason a baby would be aborted so far along would be because of life-…  Read more

 @9GGHH6H from Maryland commented…7mos7MO

A person's personhood is their's alone. It can never be given or withdrawn by another person. For that reason the mother has no right to decide that her child does not count as a life

 @9GH2R78 from Oregon disagreed…8mos8MO

People aren't usually aborting their babies at 9 months pregnant. When you get an abortion, there is no brain activity in the fetus and it shouldn't be considered a developed baby.

 @9GGHH6H from Maryland commented…7mos7MO

By your logic though fetuses should be considered people at around the 7 week mark, since that is when brain activity begins

 @9GGS39Z from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

Regardless of "when it become human" the life of an unborn child should never be more important than the life of the mother. The child cannot do anything for society for about 16-19 years so why should the life of the mother be sacrificed to save some clump of cells you claim is human?

 @9GGHH6H from Maryland commented…7mos7MO

Ignoring the obviously dark implications of tying a person's worth to their value to society, that would only justify abortion in the case of the mother's life being threatened. Otherwise you could justify literal child murder in the case that mother does not want her kids or that it would benefit society for them to be killed

 @9GHGLTKfrom Maine agreed…7mos7MO

I completely agree with this statement. I am a Pro-Life teen because I believe that those who come into this world have a right to life. I also know that they can't make that choice for themselves while in the womb, so it would be unfair and cruel to them to cut off that freedom without their knowledge.

 @9GH3435Independent from Wisconsin agreed…8mos8MO

Birth does not determine personhood. A child's life begins at the moment of conception and in 99% of cases we should have no right to determine that child's fate based on actions they took no part in.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Even grown adult people do not have the right to use another person's body without their consent, so why exactly do you think a fetus should be entitled to do the same, whether you consider it "a person" or not..?

 @ResilientVoting from Rhode Island commented…8mos8MO

You are conveniently excluding the most important part.

How responsible was the baby for getting themselves into the situation?

How responsible was the parent(s) for getting themselves into this situation?

Why do you think all the sacrifice should be transferred to the life that had 0% responsibility?

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

I'm not excluding it, because those questions are irrelevant. It does not matter who is responsible, because no one is entitled to the use of another person's body, for any reason. That is the simple fact of the matter: you do not have the right to use another person's body without their consent; simultaneously, you also have the right to decide who can or cannot use your body, hence why the fetus does not have any right to use its mother's body and the mother has every right to stop it from doing so.

 @ResilientVoting from Rhode Island disagreed…7mos7MO

Your last sentence is a circular argument.

Also, can a conjoined twin decide to remove the other?

 @SugaryThrushe from Texas commented…8mos8MO

The argument here seems to be that when one knowingly engages in an activity that could potentially result in pregnancy, they are in essence consenting to the possibility of a fetus using their body. In comparison, this situation is likened to the scenario of defaulting on a loan - while it's generally unacceptable to seize another's property, if one fails to meet their loan obligations, they have essentially given the lender the right to claim their property.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Aside from your distasteful comparison of pregnancy and bodily autonomy to loans and property rights, your argument fundamentally comes down to whether or not you believe that consent can be withdrawn.

I would argue that, yes, all people can and should be able to withdraw consent at any time, so even if you believe that consent to sex is inherently consent to pregnancy, then you still have the right to withdraw your consent to either. If, however, you believe that people cannot withdraw consent, then I would argue that you have some very concerning premises to explain...

 @SugaryThrushe from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

If you believe that consent to bodily autonomy can be withdrawn at any time, then how would you resolve this scenario? Let's say a person voluntarily consents to donate a kidney to a person in need. The operation is done, the kidney is transplanted successfully. But after a month or so, the donor decides to withdraw consent and wants their kidney back. Should the recipient be obliged to return it because the donor has withdrawn their consent?

 @9GLF4XC from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

That's the mother's choice, most women who abort their baby that late wanted their baby but something went wrong.

 @9GHYCG3 from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

It doesn't matter if that baby's heart is beating. It matters to the woman who is pregnant. There are countless reasons why a woman doesn't want or can't have a baby. Just because other women are overjoyed to have a child in their life, doesn't mean that's the case for everyone. We can't assume every woman wants a baby and if she doesn't, maybe she shouldn't have made the choices she made.

 @9GH3SLTIndependent from Oregon disagreed…8mos8MO

something existing genetically does not necessarily mean its alive. I personally believe that abortion should be available at any term, mainly for the mothers safety. seeing as at conception, the fetus very truly is a clump of developing cells, not to say its not something that is growing, but i dont believe it to be alive either.

 @9GMFDBQ from Mississippi agreed…7mos7MO

It is an iffy situation but many studies have shown that life starts at conception. And the way to abort a baby is horrid. Many also claim that if "it" needs help to survive then it is not a human, but a 2-year-old needs help to survive. People also claim that having a child under bad circumstances is traumatizing but most people who end up having an abortion are also traumatized after the fact, maybe because the brain knows that the baby is biologically a human. Some also claim that aborting a baby is saving the baby from the adoption process and that they will always be in adoption care, but that simply isn't true, that is only true for older kids, there is a whole waiting list for babies, babies in the foster system get a family immediately.

 @9GJWHGT from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

Scientifically, as soon as an egg cell and sperm cell meet, a new human being has been created. Life begins at the moment of conception. Anyone who denies this is denying science. That being said, "personhood," is not well-defined. Some people believe that as soon as a new life is created, personhood begins. Others believe that a heartbeat determines personhood. Others believe that "viability" (being able to sustain life outside the womb, albeit with medical care) determines personhood. Still others believe that until a child has passed through the vaginal birth canal, personhood does not begin.

 @9GGRPVN from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

Taking away abortions is wrong. Some women get pregnant and just don't feel like it's the right time or just not ready. We should keep abortions.

 @9GGQB43 from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

The baby has been in your stomach for nine months so its already moving and stuff you can't just kill it because you don't want it

 @9GGS5PY from Idaho agreed…8mos8MO

I think that abortion should be illeagle because that is a living human being and is not riggfht to kill the baby.

 @9GGQSCL from Louisiana agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this comment because even if the baby is as small as the palm of my hand it is still a living person and should have the right to live and not be aborted

 @9GGQJ2NRepublican from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

A fetus is still alive and can be the same as a baby after birth and there is not difference in terms of life.

 @9GKQBZ7Republican from Oregon disagreed…7mos7MO

The baby does not know it exists, it is unable to comprehend the concept of life if it is not born. it will not be sad it wont live, It wont be mad. it doesn't know anything.

 @9GGT9CN from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

There is a different in the fact that organs are not developed yet and there is no way this baby has the capacity to even know they exist.

 @9GJ7RYM from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

Conception is far from a being with any thoughts or feelings. Like the claim stated, conception does not include a heartbeat or brain activity- all of which makes us human. Therefore, conception is completely different than a human.


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