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Should teachers be allowed to carry guns at school?

No, hire professionally trained security guards instead

 @9GB24HM  from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

Train the teachers to be the guards for the same wages keeping our school spending the same and keeping our taxes from rising while giving the school a safety measure.

 @9GBRY4S  from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

I disagree, if teachers should be expected to fight like the army they should get a huge raise considering they're protecting their life along with hundreds of students. Teachers should have a choice if they want to train or not since it's their right but I think they should lock up any weapons and only they know the password just in case students want to play with it without being in danger. If in a dangerous situation but the teacher is down she should have the password somewhere they can find it but the safe should alert the front office that the weapons are out.

 @KnowledgeCicadaGreen from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

Even with training, the stress of a life-threatening situation can impair judgment and accuracy. According to The New York Times, even trained police officers only hit their targets about 30% of the time during gunfights. The possibility of a stray bullet harming a student cannot be overlooked. Having guns in the classroom, even if locked up, might create a false sense of security and distract from other important safety measures.