Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9FPPHL4Republican from Arkansas commented…8mos8MO

Some of the stances of RFK junior that are concerning:

He is pro-abortion which takes him out of the running for me.

He wants Americans to continue funding Planned Parenthood .

He wants to stop building the wall and increase military at the border yet he wants to decrease military spending which has already been decreased significantly. This doesn’t make sense especially with the current influx of thousands of illegal immigrants and the massive amounts of illegal drugs coming in daily. It also doesn't make sense to decrease military spending with the current situation with Russia and…  Read more

 @9MCLY2LIndependent from Kentucky commented…3wks3W

Just an update, Trump and RFKs stances on abortion are comparable now. There's no candidate that is truly pro-life at the moment.

 @9H9R2HSLibertarian from Nebraska commented…6mos6MO

I agree with most of this, but can I ask why you don’t see any value in planned parenthood?

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