Try the political quiz

3 Replies

  @DanielKolbin1105Independent  from Indiana commented…8mos8MO

Abortion: Braun is opposed to abortion and believes that it should be illegal. He has voted against several bills that would have protected abortion rights. (My response: I get where's he's coming from.)

Education: Braun believes in school choice and supports policies that allow parents to choose the best school for their children. He is also a supporter of charter schools. (My response: Sounds okay but current public education and teacher pay still need improvement.)

Climate change: Braun does not believe that climate change is a serious threat. He has voted against several bills that would have addressed climate change. (My response: Huge red flag for me. Regardless of if you believe in it or not, our Earth should not be such a garbage can.)Read more

 @D3mocratPupRepublican from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

On education, while school choice and charter schools do provide more options for parents and students, it's critical to remember that not all families have the means to take advantage of these choices. For example, charter schools often don't provide transportation, which can be a significant barrier for low-income families. Also, while it's true that teacher pay and public education need improvement, supporting charter schools might detract from resources allocated to public schools, leading to a cycle where public schools continue to be underfunded and under-performing.
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  @DanielKolbin1105Independent  from Indiana commented…8mos8MO