Try the political quiz

309 Replies


Share a time when you had to advocate for yourself – what was the outcome?

 @9JPWHCL from Tennessee answered…4mos4MO

When people make assumptions about you according to your appearance, environment, and interests. I had to explain my opinion, and it is usually not listened to because I am a female.

 @9JPCD3CGreen from Indiana answered…4mos4MO

I've had to advocate for myself on multiple occasions, as most teachers and administration call me by my legal name instead of my preferred name.

 @9JPBWFY from California answered…4mos4MO

I had to advocate for myself when my parents put an unfair rule on me, I got it changed.


How do you balance the need to belong with staying true to yourself?

 @9L9VMT4Peace and Freedom from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I just do what I do I wont change for anyone and everyone doesn't need to like me

 @9L9VK9SRepublican from Missouri answered…2mos2MO

I feel that self respect is me respecting myself in many ways and not putting myself down or hurting myself or doing anything stupid to get hurt.

 @9L9VC38 from Missouri answered…2mos2MO

i look towards the environment, what i surround myself with, those i trust closely


Can standing up for oneself be taught, or is it an inherent trait?

 @9J24PV3 from Kansas answered…5mos5MO

I believe "Self Respect" is taught. Whether you gain it from; parental advice, friends, morals, etc, it is taught.

 @9J25QJB from Georgia agreed…5mos5MO

All of life is a lesson - a series of experiences yielding wins and losses. As you grow, so does your ability to protect your peace.

 @9J246DH from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

It can be both. You have to learn how to stand up for yourself in the long run, but you can also get help. I feel getting help from someone and relying on them are two different things. Being taught how to defend yourself could be a good life skill but having someone resue you will never help you.

 @9J2HYNRDemocrat from Virginia agreed…5mos5MO

I think it depends on the individual. Parents teach you how to protect yourself in life situations. Sometimes you can be put in a fight or flight situation.

 @9J24NCKDemocrat from Kansas answered…5mos5MO

It is a trait but it can be taught to be stronger and more bold about how you stand up for yourself.

 @9J23W9G from Nebraska answered…5mos5MO

I think it is both, self respect can be taught but some peoples personalities can make standing up for themselves easier or harder


What's one thing you admire about yourself that others may not know?

 @9KSN6NH from New Jersey answered…3mos3MO

I admire my determination when it comes to saving up for things and purhasing things

 @9KT8FGZ from Washington agreed…3mos3MO

When im dedicated to something or put my mind into something i want to achive I will try my hardest to reach it.

 @9KSN9NT from Michigan answered…3mos3MO

What I admire in myself is that no matter how bad it gets, not matter how much I want to give up I can still push through.

 @9KSN27T from Tennessee answered…3mos3MO

My admiration and respect of others different perspective and choices made in life


How do you nurture your self-respect during challenging times?

 @9L378FT from Texas answered…3mos3MO

My response would be to always have self respect which is kinda like to never doubt that you can do something,don't doubt yourself when im going through challenging times i try to not get to much into it or stress about it.

 @9L36SPMIndependence from Kentucky answered…3mos3MO

I nurture my self respect by not worrying about proving myself to anyone. And I tend to get my real hard work done in private. I don't show everyone my work just for my ego.

 @9L36HSMWomen’s Equality from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

Try to revisit your values. ...
Consider taking inventory of your relationships. ...
Try to focus on activities you enjoy. ...
Practicing self-care will help. ...
Identify and nurture your needs.


How does respecting ourselves change the way we interact with the environment around us?

 @9J23PMG from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

someone who respects themselves know to also respect the things around them and people whom dont have self respect don't care about other things and are more willing to do things that shouldn't be done

 @9J235H7 from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

Respecting ourselves changes the way we interact with the environment around us in several ways.
When we have self-respect, we tend to set healthy boundaries and prioritize our well-being.

 @9J23MYJRepublican  from South Carolina answered…5mos5MO

If we respect ourselves then we will respect the people and things around us.

 @9J23QSD from Florida answered…5mos5MO

when we respect ourselves it shows others around us that they can rely on you and that you are built with a strong mindset and they can trust you respect goes a long way in life so everyone should have it .


In a time of peer pressure, how do you hold on to your self-respect?

 @9HNYHTP from Connecticut answered…6mos6MO

 @9HH8FQT from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

I stick to my beliefs and values, but will try to understand where someone is coming from.


How does self-respect influence your response to failure or criticism?

 @9J24JMT from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

When one has self respect, they view failure and criticism less negatively. With self respect, a person will not allow pride to get in the way of learning from their failure and they will more easily accept their mistakes. With criticism, a person with self respect will be more accepting of their short comings and of feedback from those they trust.

 @9J24DLKGreen from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

Self respect is being kind to yourself and knowing youre worth even though you make mistakes


In what ways do you think society or peer pressure challenges an individual's self-respect?

 @9HDQ2FG from Minnesota answered…6mos6MO

Peer pressure can make you do things that you would never do on any given day, that's the definition of it. I think peer pressure should be stopped and shouldn't be able to do things over you.

 @9HDPLNY from South Dakota answered…6mos6MO


The immense amount of lies and media propaganda makes it incredibly difficult for one to obtain this


Why might self-respect be a starting point for societal change?

 @9HNYND8 from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

 @9HNY9SY from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

Because you have to respect yourself to see clearly what would be the best.


How has standing up for something you believe in changed the way you view yourself?

 @9HGX4VS from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I think it does not matter as much as we voice our freedom of speech we are not heard by anyone.


Have you ever made a difficult choice to stay true to yourself?

 @9J24W5N from Florida answered…5mos5MO

We live in a period where if you don't do what society expects, you are shunned. So if you make one group happy, you can make another mad.


What role does self-awareness play in developing self-respect?

 @9HTW68N answered…5mos5MO

Self awareness plays in developing self respect is to give respect back.


Why might it be important to assess our own level of self-respect periodically?


How can we respectfully disagree with others while maintaining our own self-respect?


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