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260 Replies


How does diversity within student organizations and clubs impact your school experience?

 @9KN5HZM from Virginia answered…3mos3MO

It creates more diversity within the community and allows other people to get to know different people to whom they may have not yet been exposed to, new traditions, new religions, etc.

 @9KN53GZWomen’s Equality from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

 @9KN4TJR from Massachusetts answered…3mos3MO

Diversity within students organizations and clubs impact my school experience because at the end of the day everyone has their own opinions and beliefs.


When thinking about your future career, how do you feel about workplaces that prioritize diversity?

 @9J7GCF6 from Washington answered…4mos4MO

I feel like most workplaces do prioritize diversity. Some jobs offer extra pay if you know a second language which can help customers that only speak that language.

 @9J6QS8D from Pennsylvania answered…4mos4MO

i think it is good to have diversity in the work place. diversity allows for more ideas, new conversations, and overall better problem-solving skills within a team.

 @9J6QL7QDemocrat from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

I think that any work place should hire anyone and it should be based off of performance


When considering fairness in college admissions, how much weight should be given to a person's socioeconomic background?


There should be some weight given to a person's socioecnomic background because those who are minorities and in lower class might not have access to opportuntites that can prepare them for college, so it would help to give them that advantage. However, that should not be the sole reason they're admitted into college.

 @9KB9BSQ from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

 @9KB8RDY from Massachusetts answered…3mos3MO


How would you address classmates' concerns who fear that affirmative action policies might limit their own opportunities?

 @9HYSB48 from Maryland answered…5mos5MO

I understand that some classmates may have concerns about affirmative action policies potentially limiting their own opportunities. It's important to acknowledge these concerns and have open discussions to address them. Affirmative action aims to promote equal opportunities and address historical disadvantages. It's about creating a more inclusive and diverse society where everyone has a fair chance to succeed. It's crucial to consider the broader goals and impact of these policies on society as a whole.

 @9HYS6SS from Alabama answered…5mos5MO


What personal traits or experiences do you believe should be considered in addition to traditional qualifications in school admissions or job recruitment?

 @9HYSTC8 from Texas answered…5mos5MO

Students of Color remain underrepresented on college campuses
Prioritizing diversity benefits students of all races
Affirmative action in education promotes diversity in ways a focus on income alone connot
Affirmative action helps colleges take steps toward greater equity in admissions
Affirmative actions helps promote social mobility

 @9HYSQRF from Alabama answered…5mos5MO

I think that if the person is going to be dealing with people it's very important to pick someone who's emotionally intelligent and has dealt with struggles and with people.


Can you think of a situation where you felt you were treated unfairly due to preferences given to others?

 @9HQDLLW from Texas answered…5mos5MO

When I was young I missed out on two separate internships because of melanin and gender based affirmative action to two other students who were friends - we'd been in school together since Elementary. The program director flat out told me I didn't get the internships because the program was requiring female candidates for one and Hispanic or Black candidates for the other. The two students who received the internships had lower GPAs and came from families whose income was at least three times as much as my poor, immigrant family's. To boot, one their fathers was a senior market…  Read more


How would you feel if you were given priority in a job application because of your background?

 @8SWRN9PLibertarian  from Texas answered…5mos5MO

If that background is my work experience and competence, then it would be great.


How can society ensure that progress continues for underrepresented groups without affirmative action?

 @9HQB8X8 answered…5mos5MO

I think funding historically underrepresented groups and their communities is essential to their growth and development. Expecting a group that has been historically disadvantaged, to be on even playing field with the groups who have been in power.


How might inclusivity in education and employment shape the future leaders of our society?

 @9L98JLR from Florida answered…2mos2MO

Affirmative action helps shape future leaders of our society because it prepares them for what is to come it gives them this purpose to know how to be a leader and to take action.

 @9L983QTWomen’s Equality from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

Education and employment working together, it will create a better for future leaders because it will help them have a better understanding based on the society they live in as well as know the problems from the past and hope that they could change.


How can we foster an environment where everyone's achievements are celebrated, regardless of how they got there?

 @9L8H3GJ from Kansas answered…2mos2MO

You shouldn’t be celebrated for every little thing you do, just the huge accomplishments if they come.

 @9L8GVNM from Texas answered…2mos2MO

Fundraisers for the needy by the production of celebratory affirmations.


How would you feel if your achievements were overshadowed by questions of whether you got there 'on your own merits'?


It would feel bad if you really did work hard and earn your achievements.

 @9L8XW8T from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

I feel like its better to make choices based on performance, not affirmative action


If diversity wasn't factored into the hiring process, how do you think that would affect the creativity and problem-solving in a company?

 @9KCXZKX from Arizona answered…3mos3MO

If given the choice to exclude minority groups, employers would do so. As such, Affirmative action needs to remain in place to promote diversity, innovation, and opportunity to all Americans.



If you learned something valuable from someone of a vastly different background than yours, what would that be?

 @9LFK67RRepublican from Florida answered…2mos2MO

It does not matter if they came from a different background as long as they teach you good things.

 @9LFK4NV  from Missouri answered…2mos2MO

Probably more about where they came from since in america they try to cut everyone off from other countries and people with other views.


As future voters, how do you think government should approach policies that affect diversity in education and employment?

 @9KM2B3K from Florida answered…3mos3MO

Affirmative action should only be allowed in private institutions but not public.

 @9KM282F from Tennessee answered…3mos3MO


If you had to explain the value of a diverse work environment to a friend, what would be your main argument?


diverse workplaces and workforces are important because they bring apposing and different points of view so echo chambers of ideas aren't created. but this being enforced and artificially created isn't good because it may force individuals into positions they aren't capable of handling or suited for the job. forced diversity can also cause people to but heads in teams if the team doesn't work together efficiently. jobs should begiven to the most capable individual no matter what and that should be the only criteria, if it is done this way, in most cases diversity happens naturally.

 @9KK4XBY from Ohio answered…3mos3MO

I don't think this matters very much whoever you work with should have to work hard to get to where they are, no one should be handed a position.


How would you feel about your workplace actively seeking diversity in its hiring process?

 @9KZR5W9 from Minnesota answered…2mos2MO

shoud have more subs and bus drivers so there is no late to school drives


Can a student body that reflects diverse backgrounds lead to a better educational experience for all and why?


Do you think it's important to have people from different backgrounds and cultures represented in your classes; why or why not?


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