Try the political quiz

74 Replies

 @9GBPLJW from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

If you give police officers a blind eye to crimes or misconduct they are responsible for, then you might as well let a murderer free to go if he didn’t realize stabbing people was a crime. If you’re going to be a cop, learn the laws you’re supposed to uphold.

 @9FJ6KKW from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Your job title does not make you immune to any law. Just because you work for the law does not make you above it.

 @9FFDQ8W from Maryland disagreed…9mos9MO

if the statistics point towards more unjust killings by law enforcement than they need to be held more accountable

 @9F7R2RG from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

They can get arrested just like anyone else. They are still U.S. citizens and fall under rule of law.

 @9FDZ2NX from Kentucky disagreed…9mos9MO

The Police and Justice system are already so corrupt in the public eye especially with the riots not happening that long ago.

 @9FG3TSDDemocrat from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

In many instances, police officers have killed and abused the civil rights of citizens either under arrest or in the process of arrest without receiving extreme or removal of status/position in the police force.

 @9F8BYRJDemocrat from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Your job title does not make you immune to any law. Just because you work for the law does not make you above it

 @9F7P37K from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

Police can commit the same crimes anyone else can and should be held responsible for what they do. Otherwise, we can't guarantee a police force we can trust.

 @9FJ6GFC from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

limited government states that all government officials be held accountable- it should be the same for police officers

 @9FG7K5H from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Police are citizens themselves, but their utmost duty is to protect citizens. If they are granted power and immunity from the same crimes that citizens are rightfully tried for, it creates a power imbalance.

 @9FFR5SC from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Qualified immunity for police gives a green light to those who abuse their power. Police should be better trained.

 @9FCCYZPIndependentfrom Guam disagreed…9mos9MO

Qualified Immunity grants officers undeserved powers, which would inevitably lead to abuse of that power.

 @9FBQHC9 from Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

its ridiculous and dumb police are public servants and are only supposed to enforce law not be killing machines

 @9FBMD9P from Colorado disagreed…9mos9MO

Qualified Immunity doesn't let police officers be held accountable for their actions, even if they are extremely severe.

 @9FBJ8KCSocialist from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Qualified immunity serves to protect police officers who have violated constitutional rights from facing consequences. Not knowing that you're violating someone's rights does not change the fact that you're still violating rights.

 @9FF6DGZ from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Would have too much power, The police have a vital role in society, but they are still civilians who should have limits.

 @9FBCZHJ from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Officers are not above the law and too often qualified immunity allows officers who abuse or unjustly kill citizens to not face consequences, which is a large issue with the police force.

 @9F8LH4HDemocrat from Massachusetts disagreed…9mos9MO

Saying yes leaves an imbalance of power and will just lead to more problems with the police and not fix them.


Government-sanctioned, weapon-wielding law enforcement officers must be held to the highest standards in order to be respected and effective. They are failing in these responsibilities and it is compromising the government's ability to maintain law and order.

 @9NBM476 from Michigan disagreed…7 days7D

If someone does something that is against the law then they should go to court and if you're found guilty then you go to jail no exceptions except if you're a minor

 @9N4L5MWLibertarian from Florida disagreed…1wk1W

Qualified immunity for any group of people increases the likelihood that category of people will engage in abusive behavior that goes unchecked.

 @9MT7V6JLibertarian from New York disagreed…2wks2W

Qualified immunity allows police officers to use violence, destroy property, and outright break the law without facing accountability. Police should model being good citizens, and that means being under the microscope equal to or more than the standard citizen, in terms of prosecution for crimes they have committed.

 @9MK3F7S  from Kentucky disagreed…3wks3W

The police should understand the laws they uphold. if they are unsure they should refresh their knowledge

 @9MFQ34RIndependent from California disagreed…4wks4W

I would just show them bodycam vids of cops using excessive force and choking the suspect to death while being detained

 @9M9GS56 from Idaho disagreed…4wks4W

yes qualified immunity sounds like a great thing for those who are on the force, they can get away with some things! Nevertheless everyone who lives in this country should be held at the same slandered. it does not matter if the person is on the force or in office.

 @9M8FZT4from Maine disagreed…1mo1MO

Although police are key members in trying to establish a more calm and crime-free nation they are known to also cause crimes because they feel as if they themselves cannot break the law. With qualified immunity police will abuse their powers because they know there is no need to worry about consequences.

 @9M2J9S9 from Ohio disagreed…1mo1MO

There job is to know the, if they do something that brakes the law, then they should be held accountable.

 @9LXVS5D from Alabama disagreed…1mo1MO

police should have to obey the law just like everyone else and should be punished more for disobeying it

 @9GD4T74 from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

They are still U.S. citizens and fall under rule of law. They should have the possibility to get arrested just like anyone else.

 @9FSK9PP from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

Having judges, prosecutors and police largely immune from prosecution, there's no way to counter corruption.

 @9HLWQ69Libertarian from Ohio disagreed…6mos6MO

Qualified Immunity gives police free reign to abuse the rights of citizens and commit crimes with little to no consequences.

 @9GX299Z from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

If you give police officers a blind eye to crimes or misconduct they are responsible for, then you might as well let a murderer free to go if he didn’t realize stabbing people was a crime. If you’re going to be a cop, learn the laws you’re supposed to uphold.

 @9GK3KN9Progressive from Utah disagreed…7mos7MO

police are not above the law nor should they be treated as such. due to the level of responsibility in their hands they should be held to a higher standard.

 @9FNW4QG from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Every system needs a checks and balances, a qualified immunity will only prove problematic. Wearing a badge is an honor and means you have duty to protect the citizens. Providing immunity gives less comfort to the citizens, as they will always feel threatened by the lack of accountability given to these officers.

 @9FMNJCB from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

People in positions of authority should have greater punishments for misconduct and abuse of power, which prevents both corruption and ensures those positions are filled through merit.

 @9FLQD7C from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

They are citizens like everyone else; we don’t give immunity to soldiers who commit war crimes and we shouldn’t. I don’t care that someone is a police person; it is their job to execute good judgement just like driving a car.


The thing is, with police departments. There can be officers that don't really care about citizens and just want to meet a quota. And things like conditions need to be taken into account. like what if they have ptsd and the officer sets it off. You can't blame the citizen, or what if they go into a seizure and the citizen dies?

 @9FLNQT4 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Police officers are there to enforce the law, they are not above it. They should be abiding by all the same rules as everybody else and they should be held responsible for their actions.

 @9FLMTTD from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

Qualified immunity is unconstitutional legal fiction created to shield cops from accountability. The biggest issue is the "catch 21" of their needing to be past case law on an issue (so called prior notice clause) but new case law cannot be created because of qualified immunity.

 @9FLMJH3 from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Qualified Immunity creates an astronomical divide in power dichotomy where police are given a superior position in society.


I feel that offering immunity to officers isn't the best idea due to the fact that over the past years police misconduct and brutality has highly risen. Many people are claiming police tactics to be unethical, and allowing immunity gives more power to undergo guidelines and escape repercussions.

 @9FL8CJ3Democrat from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Police have shown that they cannot be trusted to act responsibly with qualified immunity. They seem to act like they can do anything without any repercussions.

 @9FJ8BN2 from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

Police workers are representatives of the law. They are supposed to be the star standard for upstanding citizens, and should know the laws that they are upholding. An officer should be held to an equal, if not higher, standard than your average citizen, who can still be charged regardless of their understanding of the law.

 @9FJ697LPeace and Freedom from California disagreed…9mos9MO

saying yes to immunity for police would mean you're condoning police violence on innocent individuals or cruel harsh treatment of individuals like that.

 @9M2D8YW from Virginia disagreed…1mo1MO

If they have immunity then they could become corrupt. Your job title shouldn't make you immune from getting prosecuted for committing a crime.

 @9GWZBKZ from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

I think that law enforcement officers should be held accountable for the mistakes and decisions that they make while on duty.

 @9FM4346 from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

If you wear the badge you should be held to a high standard, especially knowledge of constitutional law

 @9FLLR6G from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Qualified immunity places police, the people we trust to protect us, above the very laws they enforce. Even the president isn't above the law. We need to hold police officers accountable for violating the constitutional rights of citizens.

 @9F8YBR6 from Oregon disagreed…9mos9MO

Allowing officers to have qualified immunity gives them the opportunity to commit crimes against the people.

 @9F89HWP from Kansas disagreed…9mos9MO

Officers are enforcers of the law and public figures, which means they should uphold the law better than anyone else


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