Try the political quiz

274 Replies


Can you imagine a future where economic concerns are secondary to providing for the needy, and what does that look like to you?

 @9L2CVPV from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

Economic concerns should be second to providing for the needy because people are more important than money.

 @9L2CF9CPeace and Freedomanswered…3mos3MO

I think we need to live in a world where we are simply cared for, loved, and our well being (financial, emotional and physical) are prioritized no matter your gender, sexual orientation, color, situation etc.

 @9L2CGNB from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

It looks like the rich have to pat taxes so that people that do nothing with their life get free money, I don think it should be happening, homeless people should get jobs.

 @9L2CG6W from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

Without economic concerns being one of the main focuses I think the outside word would deteriorate quickly.


If your parents' retirement benefits were threatened by government cuts, how would this change your family's plans for the future?

 @9LFZYQX  from Ohio answered…2mos2MO

First, my parents would not have any money for them or their kids for the future. They would go into crisis and not survive.

 @9LFVGRV from Texas answered…2mos2MO

The tax increase hurts us all because it is more spending and very low revenues.

 @9LFTX3N from Minnesota answered…2mos2MO

 @9LFTQSX from Louisiana answered…2mos2MO

I would pick a plan that benefits us. If there is no plan I will fight for the best


How would your day-to-day routine be disrupted if public transportation experienced severe budget reductions?

 @9K9N836 from California answered…3mos3MO

My life and day-to-day routine wouldn't be affected much because I have vehicle access, but I know others would, especially low-income people, which isn't good.

 @9KDV8KV  from California agreed…3mos3MO

Well, I don't have a personal vehicle, so it would not be ideal to not have public transportation. Getting to and from my job would be more costly, and would likely introduce more stress into my life, and the life of others.

 @9K9N6HD from California answered…3mos3MO

It would disrupt some transportation routes to pick up people and drop off in necessary routes

 @9K9N6LZ from Nebraska answered…3mos3MO

It would not be affected at all but i believe that public transportation is the future thanks to carbon immersions, population increase and efficiency


I rely on public transport to get to school every other week, as such I'd only be at school every other week without it and my life would be heavily impacted


Can you conceive of ways that countries should collaborate to overcome national austerity challenges?

 @9LFV628Women’s Equality from Ohio answered…2mos2MO

large deficits are damaging to the broader economy, which can limit tax revenue.

 @9LFTTB4 from Indiana answered…2mos2MO

 @9LFTVBY from Idaho answered…2mos2MO

 @9LFTLQZPeace and Freedom from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

large deficits are damaging to the broader economy, which can limit tax revenue


In what ways do you think a well-funded education system can shape a country's future?


By giving curriculums that are most relatable to now a days and our everyday life than being taught the same thing.

 @9HMD2SX from Texas answered…6mos6MO

 @9HMF3FXDemocrat from California answered…6mos6MO

The intellect of the country as a whole could increase, resources to give all students and opportunity to strive in school.

 @9HMD5PW from West Virginia answered…6mos6MO


What are your reasons for supporting or opposing increased taxes for the wealthy to counteract austerity measures?

 @9LFTQ4S from Idaho answered…2mos2MO

My reasons for supporting increased taxes to the wealthy include the lowering of student interest rates.

 @9LHBTZ7Democrat  from Ohio agreed…2mos2MO

The rich obviously have money to spare, they should be helping the community instead of keeping the money for themselves. They should help those less fortunate because they may one day become just like them.

 @9LFTYT8 from Utah answered…2mos2MO

There should be an increase of tax upon the rich, so that the people can have more opportunity to use that money, for education or transportation.

 @9LFTJPL from Wisconsin answered…2mos2MO

People should be allowed to work their way up. Hard work pays off, and people shouldn't be penalized for that.


How would your life be different if your access to healthcare were restricted because of reduced funding?

 @9JB5HYD from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

My life would be affected as well as many others will be affected, most people need the healthcare

 @9JB4QNB from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

 @9JB4QHJRepublican from Minnesota answered…5mos5MO

Currently it would not effect it, but it probably would once I move out


Reflect on a local community project that's valuable to you; what would you do if it lost funding due to austerity?

 @9HMDW9P from Colorado answered…6mos6MO

i would be upset but would stay logical and question why the spending was cut and where that money went too. i would also want forewarning that it is going to happen and a valid explanation as to why.


That would be strange. i would like to see the evidence of it at first hand depending on the circumstances, i may want to be against anti austerity for that action of theirs's .


What's your take on sacrifices in the present, like higher taxes, for long-term benefits such as improved healthcare and education?

 @9HMDBYF from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

I feel people should pay taxes based on income but If someone is rich they shouldn't have to be penalized and pay a ton of taxes because they work hard for what they have and why they are rich.

 @9HMD7FJRepublican from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

I think that its a good thing that healthcare and education have improved. I believe that it is a good thing.

 @9HMD6TX from Washington D.C. answered…6mos6MO

I think we need to increase taxes on the rich and decrease military spending to prevent more wars


How do you think rising college tuition fees, as an austerity outcome, might shape your or your peers' higher education choices?

 @9HMYVKH from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO

My peers who live in a low income household will not be able to afford education. This means that their future and opportunities will be taken away without, and they will not have been given the chance to see what that future and opportunities might have looked like.

 @9HMYR9G from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO

 @9HMYTDM from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO

It might make more people choose to not go to college, or stick to cheaper education routes.


In what ways could increases in government spending on social programs benefit your school or neighborhood?

 @9HMDJF5 from Florida answered…6mos6MO

school wise it could help with cleaner conditions and possibly healthier food

 @9HMCZJ7Constitution from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

it can benefit by giving kids in school more supplies and make learning fun and also this could help neighbor hoods by giving them more money to bring or buy stuff for the neighborhood and also increase security.


Imagine a world without cuts to arts and culture funding; how would that enrich your school and community life?


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