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85 Replies

 @9FG58GJ  from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

This would result in companies going bankrupt and seperation of wealth. hard working workers would be taxed harder, and their life would be hard. If buisnesses are not taxed, then they will be succesful and boost americas economy.


Amazon and many other corporations paid $0 in taxes for several years and the wealthiest individuals in our country get rich from capital gains and borrowing against their wealth which amounts to limited, if any taxes for them. CEO pay has continued to rise exponentially while minimum wage and the average pay for a worker has stagnated. We decry social welfare and public assistance platforms but don't bat an eyelash when CEO pay explodes or companies use billions for stock buybacks. By not changing the tax structure, we, the average American, are just paying taxes to subsidize the social program on our dime while major business (looking at you Wal-Mart) rake in profits by paying their workers less and letting US foot the bill for it.

 @VettedVoteJoshLibertarian from Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

Your points are certainly compelling and highlight some of the glaring issues in our economic structure. However, it's crucial to note that raising taxes on the rich may not necessarily be a definitive solution to wealth inequality. For example, in France, the implementation of a wealth tax led to an exodus of wealthy individuals leaving the country, which resulted in a loss of potential tax revenue and less capital for investment.

Moreover, it's important to remember that many wealthy individuals and corporations contribute significantly to the economy through innovation, job crea…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…9mos9MO

However, it's crucial to note that raising taxes on the rich may not necessarily be a definitive solution to wealth inequality.

That's because we need to tackle the means that rich people make their money, such as private capital ownership, otherwise we will just be in an endless cycle of us taxing them and them inflating costs to make up their profits.

For example, in France, the implementation of a wealth tax led to an exodus of wealthy individuals leaving the country, which resulted in a loss of potential tax revenue and less capital for investment.

If we didn't…  Read more

 @9FSWPPH from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Taxing the rich isn't fair considering they worked hard to get to where thy are. If anything everyone should have equal taxes.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Taxing the rich isn't fair considering they worked hard to get to where thy are.

The rich quite literally did not work for their money; they got their money via property ownership and by taking the profits of other people's labor.

 @9HS9YZG  from MP commented…5mos5MO

If they received any government subsidies (R&D budget, etc.) in the process, they must pay more taxes.

I would like to lower the corporate tax rate and increase the wealth tax. This is because wealth taxes are more effective in redistributing wealth.

 @9FR28VW from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

I want to simplify taxes and allow the IRS to do what its supposed to do; enforce the paying of said taxes. It should be a simple, seamless process for you to pay your taxes and know exactly where that money went to.

 @9FRWZ29Workers from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

This is unfair to the rich as they should not be more responsible than other people to pay for things int he government.

 @9FW985H from Iowa disagreed…8mos8MO

All people have chance to make money the same as rich people do, rich people shouldn't be taxed more based on how much they make

 @9FRFJQM from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

I don’t believe they should because everybody gets the same split out of there check for taxes it makes no sense to take out more for someone who makes more. everyone works just as hard as others do.

 @9FBJ3CQ from Washington agreed…9mos9MO

The top 1% of people hold 40% of the nation's wealth and the bottom 50% of people hold less than 3% of the nation's wealth. Raising taxes would help to reduce this massive income gap.

 @9F9W8BXRepublican from Illinois agreed…9mos9MO

I don't think its fair that someone that's much wealthier can pay the same as someone who's financially struggling, It should have an all around equal % taxed towards your annual income.

 @9FBLCF4 from California agreed…9mos9MO

I believe that the rich profit the most off of people including the poor and the fact that they are not taxed more due to them making more profit is a bit interesting. It shows that the rich are able to keep profiting and keep their power for a long time. Taxing would keep them in check and make sure they dont abuse their power ad wealth.

 @9FJ8HHK from Nevada disagreed…9mos9MO

no because they are using those taxes to fund the poor the poor just need to get a job earn that money like the rich do

 @9FVZTPGWomen’s Equality from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Im fine with paying taxes, but if we have to pay for the presidents mistakes, thats where I draw the line

 @9FV8Y2Q from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

Personally, I feel as though taxes should not be raised on the rich for many reasons. The government tends to waste the money that they collect, so if they increase taxes, the only thing that would happen is the government essentially would just be receiving more money to waste on things that aren't important. There also would not be any type of intention for them to spend money correctly.

 @9FTPWV9 from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

This would also make people work less. The ones who are for this position are the ones wanting to sit at home and get everything handed to them.

 @9F9XKGK from Arizona agreed…9mos9MO

The way we have the finances run right now need improvement. This can even make less people fall into debt and keep them off the streets in a simple way.

 @9FV28CQGreen from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

It unfairly ,y targets individuals who might not get the same privileges or opportunities as others, while still having to pay the same.

 @9HS9YZG  from MP agreed…5mos5MO

If rich people grow through businesses that receive government subsidies or tax credits, they have to pay more taxes.

Also, if we don't want to pay more taxes, we can just stay in the middle class. It is also our choice.

And the ultra-rich cannot even spend all that money. If wealth is concentrated, consumption will decrease, so the economy will be more active when wealth is flow down.

I would like to lower the corporate tax rate and increase the wealth tax. This is because wealth taxes are more effective in redistributing wealth.

 @9HS9YZG  from MP agreed…5mos5MO

If rich people grow through businesses that receive government subsidies or tax credits, they have to pay more taxes. Also, if we don't want to pay more taxes, we can just stay in the middle class. That too is our choice.

And the ultra-rich cannot even spend all that money. If wealth is concentrated, consumption will decrease, so the economy will be more active when wealth is flow down to middle&low income people.

 @9FX8HWHIndependent from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Taxes should be lowered because many middle class and poor families are having trouble affording their everyday needs.

 @9FWLJWD from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

the income tax violates the Fifth Amendment right that no person shall be "deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law

 @9FRMRNC from Iowa disagreed…8mos8MO

Higher taxes can cause economic growth and discourage investment which leads to fewer job opportunities.

 @9FBGJV6 from Georgia agreed…9mos9MO

In 2022, the poverty rate increased 4.6% from the year before. The money from increased taxes on the rich can help decrease the poverty rate, as well as the above.

 @9FBDR82 from Indiana agreed…9mos9MO

An example is Richard v Reeves and Isabel V. Sawhill, senior fellows of economic studies at the Brookings Institution’s Center on Children and Families, recommend eliminating income taxes for most middle-class households by raising the standard deduction to $100,000. Such a change would relieve much of the tax burden placed on middle-class families.


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