Try the political quiz

29 Replies

 @9GL9DCZ from Indiana agreed…7mos7MO

It would be unfair and unethical to force people to vaccinate their children; however, I still believe that vaccinations are very important so that's why public ad campaigns about the risks and benefits would be a good solution.

 @9G4T46Q from Alabama agreed…8mos8MO

In order to make the best decision, one must be informed. There is nothing wrong with expressing one's opinion in America. If vaccines are so wonderful, anyone who cares for their children would want them to have it. Instead of forcing people to take something they don't understand, try to persuade them to your perspective.

 @9GB8WXP from Indiana agreed…8mos8MO

Not all people understand what vaccines are and what they do to your body. Teaching others the benefits and effects of vaccines can help them better understand if it's the right decision for them or not.


Vaccines shouldn't be mandated because people are to dumb to make a decision yet if you are vaccinated, however if we teach the people more and help them understand more they can decide if its good or bad for their kid or themselves

 @9M2HP8W from Texas agreed…1mo1MO

The people who are vaccinated will not catch it, but doesn’t matter if children are young they can still very much catch it of which children are too young to get vaccinated very well going to be very sick or die.

 @9LYZJSB from Texas agreed…1mo1MO

It has been proven that some vaccines do have terrible side effects, it should be the patients choice on whether or not they choose to take a vaccine

 @9LRZJ8B from Delaware agreed…1mo1MO

We don't live in a police State. There is no King/Queen of America compelling everyone to submit. Provide people with the recommendations of the "experts" and just let them decide what they want to do.

 @9LPR6FLfrom Guam agreed…2mos2MO

The way they implemented the jab mandates and the mRNA technology suggests that this an operation that is taking places above the pyramid of elites

 @9H5FPQF from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

Provided the public ad campaigns show the facts associated with risks and benefits of vaccines, they will allow people to make an informed decision about vaccination. That said, it is unlikely that public funding today would provide unbiased information.

 @93TB4HGProgressive  from North Carolina agreed…4wks4W

Vaccine ad campaigns increase the likelihood of the viewer to get vaccinated by 116% and is a lot more of an effective way of getting people to understand how getting vaccinated will keep them and others around them safe. Government-ran ad campaigns could also be useful in helping people understand options for birth control and abortion alternatives without restricting the individual rights of a person.

 @9LZ6FTB  from Virginia agreed…1mo1MO

It is the government's job to educate the public. They should be encouraging us to get vaccinated if we see the risks as warranting of it, but also warn us of the potential side effects.


The Covid vaccine may have killed many people with heart problems who unfortunately never knew about the risks taking it would result in.

 @9FMYHGG from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

I think it's important to stay clean and safe from all diseases but parents have personal beliefs about their own children's health and what they think is safe for their kids. However, if the parents consider it and look into it and show that the doctor or nurses were not completely honest on side effects and repercussions that can strongly change someone's beliefs in that category.

 @9GBLKVM from California agreed…8mos8MO

Forcing vaccines on people makes more people not want to get it, but if you were to try and persuade people to see your perspective then decides would be less harmful.


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