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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y


 @9F7YGRQ from Virginia agreed…9mos9MO

Top Agreement

Students didn't decide the price and tuition of schools, nor how the process for paying was enforced. Scholarships are offered but not always accepted, which creates an unfair balance putting student in an unfair position. Overall price demand for education is too high, but sadly there's no way around it if you want a "promising future"

 @9F7RWTC from Indiana agreed…9mos9MO

it should be paid for by the student while giving them as much of a break as possible. It should be easier to get a good paying job in order to pay off your loan.

 @9FGCPRHIndependent from New York agreed…8mos8MO

There is a stereotype that college students are poor, so much so that their health suffers because of it. This is compared to most wealthy people, who avoid taxes anyways. So it's best that these incredibly wealthy people share the wealth with people who never had a chance to make it big like they did.

 @9FJBZMZ from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Why should I have to pay for someone else to make a stupid mistake and go to USC for 80,000 a semester and study gender studies and then wonder why they can't pay for their tuition?

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y


 @9F7Q6R4  from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

Student loans can lead to crippling financial issues, and cause people to be unable to get a house or afford to start a family.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Which is why we need to focus on the fact that the bill is there rather than paying it infinitely.

 @9FDR4MS from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Student loans, although burdensome, are often an investment in future earnings through higher education. Income-based repayment plans can make them manageable. Education provides access to better job opportunities, contributes to the economy, and borrowers can make informed choices to minimize debt.

 @9FBS437Independent from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Actually, a student loan wouldn't be able to cripple someone's finances, and instead of worrying about it we should help those who need the money for schools.

 @9F9PZ63Republican from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Making taxpayers foot the bill can lead to the same thing on all the taxpayers. Force colleges to rationalize tuition. Tuition in general is out of control

 @9F88VWW from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

To better our country, the people should be provided with the resources to have the brainpower to have the want, need and ability to help this country without being in debt for life and having to worry about deadlines and payments and whatnot.

 @9F7SZ6R from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

I believe that It's unfair for people to have to work until they're elderly in order to pay for education that should be free. There are people who don't have the ability to continuously pay off thousands and thousands of dollars just because they wanted a better life.

 @9F7V8VJProgressive from California disagreed…9mos9MO

The rich are able to hoard wealth because the amount we currently tax them is not high enough -- why should we go into debt just to receive a basic education that's required to get a decent job while the top 1% have more money than they could spend in a lifetime? The money is not trickling down, and history has shown that when we tax the rich at a higher income rate, we make major advancements -- in the 1960s, our economy was booming when the highest income rate for the wealthy was 91%, the decade when we put man on the moon. Now it has gone down significantly, and we are suffering for it. We can abolish student loans easily.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

Yes, and increase government funding so every student receives a free college education

 @Joey-Melone from North Carolina agreed…9mos9MO

Top Agreement

More education is an investment into our future, if every student receives a free college education funded by a increase in taxes from the rich and ultra rich, we'll have more skilled workers and people that will benefit and advance the future of our country.

 @9F8D49D from New York agreed…9mos9MO

A majority of students spends their entire life trying to pay their student loans. Most of the money they make goes into student loans. More than 50% of students not be able to pay off their debt, living their life not having enough money.

 @9F7GL3L from Virginia agreed…9mos9MO

College is the minimum for most jobs now and education for high school is not sufficient. It’s being filtered and much life survival information is being withheld.

 @9F7TV93 from Washington agreed…9mos9MO

The government should be supportive and provide financial help to its students because it will benefit the future of the nation. Education should be the number one priority for financial support from the government since it will help to build up citizens that will become great future workers.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...7yrs7Y

No, but we should still reduce interest rates for student loans

 @9FMKN6X from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

There are some low-income families that just can't afford to spend thousands of dollars to get an education but also don't have enough opportunities to get chances at scholarships.

 @9FBM8NW from Ohio agreed…9mos9MO

Almost every student that takes out student loans spends years trying to pay them back instead of using the money to go towards their living expenses so they will have to continue taking out loans just to live. So if we reduce interest rates it can help more people get started with a career and their independent life.

 @9FBJSH6 from Idaho agreed…9mos9MO

Almost every student that takes out student loans spends years trying to pay them back instead of using the money to go towards their living expenses so they will have to continue taking out loans just to live. So if we reduce interest rates it can help more people get started with a career and their independent life.

 @9FL5H4W from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

I think we should cut interest rates, and we should also cut federal funding to the police and military, and cancel student loans on a portion of tuition, because you don't need to pay a large amount of money if you don't want to become a student. pupil. full-time university.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, and transition all current government student loans into privately managed accounts

 @9F6T39X from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

Some families may not have the money to pay for a student loan. They would need help with funds from the government.

 @9F7RWTC from Indiana disagreed…9mos9MO

it should be paid for by the student while giving them as much of a break as possible. It should be easier to get a good paying job in order to pay off your loan.

 @9F6WBCN from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

college is expensive and you need it to do a majority of jobs in the US so they should help them out and that would help the work force as well

 @9FGCDT5Progressive from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

some kids have great potential and i believe those who have passion in what field they want to do they should be able to have loans

 @8Z6PT3P from Kentucky answered…2yrs2Y

No, and we should reduce taxes for everyone regardless of how rich or wealthy they are in order to reduce interest rates for student loans too.

 @93YZMSK from Georgia answered…2yrs2Y

 @959K74L from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

 @5KQSFFDfrom Arkansas answered…4yrs4Y

The problem is that the cost of colleges has increased so dramatically compared to average income. Regulations should be put in place to bring these closer together. I also think that providing money for early childhood education, arts programs in schools, and after school programs would better benefit society than putting that money towards paying for people to go to college.

 @5B4K577from New York answered…4yrs4Y

Eliminate tenure, hold higher education accountable to performance and outcomes. Emphasis on critical thinking, not political indoctrination

 @8YQLNK2 from Kentucky answered…2yrs2Y

No, and we should reduce taxes for everyone regardless of how rich or wealthy they are to help reduce interest rates for student loans.

 @9D7MTVS from California answered…10mos10MO

Lowering the student Loans can be good for some people, but there's little chance that you will get into college.

 @5B86FR3from Indiana answered…4yrs4Y

Every time funding is increased the tuition goes up. How can other country's provide college and all we can provide is instant debt without any guarantees of being able to finish school?

 @97ZMYTRRepublican from Pennsylvania answered…2yrs2Y

Increasing taxes on the rich is a bandaid over a cannon hole, the entire ability of the wealthy to retain their wealth is the extreme efficacy at which they avoid taxes, or find loopholes to minimize their impact.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas agreed…2yrs2Y

Increasing taxes on the rich is a bandaid over a cannon hole

Not just avoiding taxes, but the real root of the problem is that the wealthy are acquiring their wealth in the first place by skimming the profits off the backs of the working class. We can tax them all we want, but so long as they own the profits of our country's workers, then they'll always be able to keep taking more. It's a structurally unjust funnel straight from the workers and into the pockets of the wealthy.

 @5B7G6RFfrom Texas answered…4yrs4Y

US schools are run badly. By 10th grade you SHOULD be done with lower education. Grades 11-12 should be the first 2 years of college or trade school.
After that you can continue with college for full degree or jump into the work force in the trade you trained for.

 @96K25DJ from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

 @9FF68QY from North Carolina answered…9mos9MO

No because even though they are rich they worked hard for their money and it wouldn't be fair for us to treat them differently just because they are more wealthy

 @C4mpaignVioletSocialist from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that many wealthy individuals have worked hard for their money, it's also worth noting that a significant portion of the rich have inherited their wealth, meaning they didn't necessarily earn it through hard work. Additionally, the idea of progressive taxation isn't about treating the rich differently out of spite, but rather about the ability to contribute. The rich have more disposable income and can therefore afford to pay more in taxes. For example, if a billionaire pays 50% in taxes, they're still a billionaire. But if a middle-class family pays the same rate, they might struggle to make ends meet.

What are your thoughts on the principle of progressive taxation? Do you see a different solution to alleviate the burden of student loans?

 @9FFPHH9 from Illinois answered…9mos9MO

No, and the government should get out of guaranteeing student loans. This ample supply of money has driven up college costs way beyond inflation requiring large debt. If the debt was based on the value of degree sought, the pricing would correct itself and not put students in massive debt.

 @L1b3rtyLeopardLibertarianfrom California agreed…9mos9MO

That's an intriguing perspective. A parallel can be drawn with the housing market: when subprime mortgages were readily available, house prices soared as well. When the bubble burst, it was a disaster. Thus, easy access to student loans might be inflating the "education market" in a similar way. Could this lead to an "education bubble" that might burst with similar ramifications as the housing crisis?

 @9F938HW from Tennessee answered…9mos9MO

Well if you tax companies more it could trickle down to the regular working person in the form of lower wages, which may even out to where the average person is paying for it anyways


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